why wear @levelsio?

A world where degrowth protesters attack electric vehicle factories.

A world where politicians call for immediate bans on literally any new technology that we invent, which has the potential to change humanity for good.

A world where 75% of people in the West are now overweight from eating processed food all day while not being able to lift even a moderately heavy rock.

A world where going to the gym and exercising is now considered toxic masculinity.

In a world like that I think we need a clothing/merch brand that promotes a positive outlook to the future (with a big sign of gratitude to e/acc), which believes that: yes things generally improve for the whole of humanity, technology can be used for good. And that exercise and fitness should be part of every person's regular lifestyle.

You can join me and express these ideas too.

Since launching on May 1st, 2024, I've shipped over 400 orders to customers all around the world.

P.S. I always try to produce clothes with the best materials like 100% soft ring-spun cotton where possible.

Have merch ideas? Tweet them to me at @levelsio and I'll make it for you!